DALTON Algorithm
Optimization of Swipe Fingerprint IC



Extract traditional minutia instead of characteristic of fingerprint image
Translate Data of Spatial Domain into Frequency Domain (Extract frequency)
Fast matching-speed to comparison of code level

MUON Algorithm
Fast and Slim but Powerful !
FRR < 1.5% @ FAR 1:50,000 Time include image capture time and all of process inside algorithm
“image processing + extract features + matching”

Support ultra small sized sensor (4mm x 4mm, 5mm x 2.8mm)
More than 400 features are extracted and can be matched within 0.3 second

Extracting abundant features from detailed ridge shape and pixel intensity change regardless of sensor size.

All users with scar or discontinued ridges can enroll and verify without any problem unlike traditional minutia or pattern based algorithms
No FPU, No math library are required !
Optimized for TrustZone as well as embedded environment consuming small memory

CALISTO Algorithm
IRIS Recognition Algorithm


Iris recognition is a method of identifying people based on unique patterns within the ring-shaped region surrounding the pupil of the eye. The iris usually has a brown, blue, gray,
or greenish color, with complex patterns that are visible upon close inspection. Because it makes use of a biological characteristic, iris recognition is considered a form of biometric verification. -
Iris recognition is separated and extracted each different patterns through the algorithm, digitize them, and store them to identify users.
Everyone's iris patterns are different.
even, the right and left iris of the same person are different. -
Noncontact recognition at the same time both eyes